Working Papers
Picture This: Social Distance and the Mistreatment of Migrant Workers [NBER WP]
with Toman Barsbai, Vojtech Bartos, Victoria Licuanan, Erwin Tiongson, and Dean Yang
NBER Working Paper No. 30804
Accepted at the Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics
The Wage Penalty of Regional Accents [NBER WP]
with Jeffrey Grogger and Joachim Winter
NBER Working Paper No. 26719
When a Random Sample is Not Random. Bounds on the Effects of Migration on Household Members Left Behind [most recent version][Kiel WP]
Summary on Development Impact Blog
Peer-reviewed publications
Immigrating into a Recession. Evidence from Family Migrants to the U.S. [Article][Kiel Working Paper]
with Toman Barsbai and Christoph Winter
Journal of Labor Economics (forthcoming)
A previous version is available as CReAM Discussion Paper No. 01/22
Information and Immigrant Settlement [Article][Innsbruck WP][AEA RCT Registry][3ie project website]
with Toman Barsbai, Victoria Licuanan, Erwin Tiongson, and Dean Yang
Journal of Development Economics, 2024, 170(103305).
A previous version titled "Information and the Acquisition of Social Network Connections" is available as NBER Working Paper No. 27346
Type ssc install mhtreg in Stata to install the accompanying Stata command for multiple hypothesis correction. David McKenzie discussed the command on the Development Impact Blog.
Vaccine-skeptic physicians and COVID-19 vaccination rates [Article][IZA DP][Replication]
with Manuel Rossi
Health Economics, 2024, 33: 509-525.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 15730
Contact versus Exposure: Refugee Presence and Voting for the Far-Right [Article][final version][Replication]
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103(2): 310–327
Earlier versions of the paper were circulated under the titles: "Contact Matters: Exposure to Refugees and Voting for the Far-Right" and "Exposure to Refugees and Voting for the Far-Right: (Unexpected) Results from Austria" that is available as IZA Discussion Paper 9790.
The paper was awarded the Young Economist Award of the Austrian Economic Association
An Introduction to the Economics of Immigration in OECD Countries: Insights from Recent Research [Article][IZA DP]
with Anthony Edo, Lionel Ragot, Hillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau, and Arthur Sweetman
Canadian Journal of Economics, 2020, 53(4).
Survey article prepared for the Special Issue on Immigration in OECD Countries. Builds in part on CEPII Policy Brief No. 22-2018.
A Framework for Separating Individual-Level Treatment Effects From Spillover Effects [Article][Replication]
with Martin Huber
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2021, 39(2): 422-436 .
The Effects of Incentives to Exercise on Student Performance in College [Article]
with Hans Fricke and Michael Lechner
Economics of Education Review, 2018, 66: 14-39
The Effect of Labor Migration on the Diffusion of Democracy: Evidence from a Former Soviet Republic [Article][Replication]
with Toman Barsbai, Hillel Rapoport, and Christoph Trebesch
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2017, 9(3): 36-69
The paper was awarded the prize for Scientific Excellence from the Research Group on Development Economics of the German Economic Association.
English summary (Featured CESifo working paper)
Radius Matching on the Propensity Score with Bias Adjustment: Finite Sample Behavior, Tuning Parameters and Software Implementation [Article]
with Martin Huber and Michael Lechner
Empirical Economics, 2014, 49(1): 1-31
Type ssc install radiusmatch in Stata to install the accompanying Stata command.
The Drivers of Diaspora Donations for Development: Evidence from the Philippines [Article]
with Victoria Licuanan and Toman Barsbai
World Development, 2015, 65: 94-109
Selected work in progress
The Economics of Family-based Migration
with Toman Barsbai and Sebastian Kupek
Opportunities or Benefits: Local Conditions and Refugee Labor Market Integration (draft available upon request)
with Katia Gallegos Torres and Valentin Wett
Uneven Rules: The Struggle for Refugee Family Reunification (draft available upon request)
with Katia Gallegos Torres and Valentin Wett
Do Firms Lack Information about Their Own Labor Market?
with Sebastian Butschek, Mattis Gilbert, Roland Rathelot, and Marina Schwab
Other publications
Herausforderungen und Chancen der Arbeitsmarktintegration ukrainischer Vertriebener in Österreich [Link]
ifo Schnelldienst, 2024, 77(10): 31-35.
Die Arbeitsmarktintegration von ukrainischen Vertriebenen - mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Frauen [Link]
with Sarah Berens, Dominik Duell, Valentin Wett
Research report for the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS)
Menschlich, fair und akzeptiert – Ideen für die Zukunft des europäischen Asylsystems [Link]
ifo Schnelldienst, 2023, 76(10): 20-24
The Effects of Immigration in Developed Countries: Insights from Recent Economic Research [Link]
with Anthony Edo, Lionel Ragot, Hillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau
CEPII Policy Brief No. 22-2018
Did the Refugee Crisis Contribute to the Recent Rise of Far-right Parties in Europe? [Link]
ifo DICE Report, 2018, 15(4): 24-27.
The Closer the Sportier? Children’s Sports Activity and their Distance to Sports Facilities [Link]
with Christina Felfe and Michael Lechner
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 2011, 8(2): 67-82
Labour Migration and Remittances in Moldova: Is the Boom Over? [Link]
with Matthias Lücke and Toman Barsbai
Research project for IOM Moldova, 2009.
Die Österreicher/-innen und der Wandel in der Arbeitswelt [Link]
with Gudrun Biffl, Katharina Renner, Justyna Okolowicz, Ursula Hamachers-Zuba
In Hamachers-Zuba, Ursula; Friesl, Christian & Polak, Regina (ed.): Die Österreicher/ innen. Wertewandel 1990-2008. Wien : Czernin, 2009, 37-86.